Monday, May 25, 2020

Lincoln s Impact On The Civil War - 1564 Words

Abraham Lincoln Research Paper During the Civil War, was Abraham Lincoln the cause or the cure? Abraham Lincoln, the man that hit right path toward life while earning respect. He worked hard most of his life and at law, and as a president to keep our nation in one during the Civil War. He had the mindset to get where he needed to go. He lived a long and resentful life full of problems that he fixed. Lincoln’s early life, Lincoln enters presidency, Lincoln’s impact on the Civil War as a president, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Lincoln’s impact of slaves after the Civil War during Reconstruction, Lincoln’s death. Lincoln, the president that held our nation together. Lincoln’s early life. As quoted from, â€Å"Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a one-room log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky† (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln†), to his parents Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. They moved around and eventually settled in another small cabin the backwoods’ of Indiana. As said by, â€Å"Where the family squatted on public land to scrap out a living in a crude shelter, hunting game and farming a small plot,† (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln biography†). Lincoln’s father was able to buy the land that they had settled on. A year after his mother’s death (Nancy Lincoln) he grew far apart from his father. His father then married a widow named Sarah Bush Johnston, who encouraged Lincoln to read and write. Lincoln worked hard most of his life. He became veryShow MoreRelatedLincoln s Impact On The Civil War1542 Words   |  7 PagesAbraham Lincoln Research Paper Who was the Greatest President that ever lived! Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a very well respected man at an early age. He worked hard most of his life and worked hard in law, and as a president to keep our nation in one during the Civil War. He had the mindset to get where he needed to go. 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