Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Ji-Woon Kims A Bittersweet Life Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ji-Woon Kims A Bittersweet Life - Movie Review ExampleThe second type of narration could come under a nonlinear mark of level, as the story is revealed in a disjointed and non-chronological order. Even when the film takes a chronological or linear narrative structure, certain events could go to and fro. So, films could maximally include different narrative structures or could take a narrative structure, which could balance different aspects of the plot or the character. This balancing act or tightrope walking form of narrative structure is adopted by many filmmakers. In the case of the Korean film, A Bittersweet Life, written and directed by Ji-Woon Kim, the narrative structure takes an intense and at the same time stylish tightrope walk between violence and philosophy of life, or if said in another means between recklessness and reflection. Visually also, it mixes well-choreographed action scenes with more transcendental based settings, wide-angle shots, characters outlook, body language, etc. As a ferment of a films narration, characters around Sun-woo appear increasingly bizarre and unpredictable all the time, but his character was one of calmness, with violence exhibited at stamp down situations. Sun-woo, who is a manager of hotel La Dolce Vita, is a no ordinary manger, there is a volcano behind that calm facade. Young and handsome, a tightly controlled gang enforcer in a narrow black suit who is decisive and efficient, he is also the trusted right-hand man of his underworld hirer (Mr.Kang). He served Mr.Kang like a faithful dog for 7 years committing extreme violence for him, but at the same, he leads a lonely worldly concern with his unflinching loyalty In line with the narrative structure of philosophy mixed with violence, the film starts with a Buddhist parable, Master, are the branches moving or is it the twirl?

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